Ressources pour vous aider à vous préparer à l’université
Les universités proposent divers programmes et soutiens pour nombre de types d’étudiantes et d’étudiants. Les ressources dans cette page peuvent vous aider à vous adapter à la vie et aux études universitaires.
Nota : Les critères d’admissibilité peuvent varier d’un programme à un autre.
Il ne s’agit pas d’une liste exhaustive. Prière de communiquer directement avec l’université en question pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements.
Queen's University
Q Success: A First-Year Experience Program
Q Success offers regular events and one-on-one mentoring aimed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed academically, personally and socially for a successful transition through first year university.
Student Academic Success Services
Student Academic Success Services offers academic support to help you develop your skills in critical thinking, reading, learning, studying, writing and self-management.
Welcome and Orientation for International Students
Queen's University's International Centre (QUIC) offers orientation programming for incoming international students. Incoming international students are invited to join information sessions, social events, free bus trips, walks, tours and more!
Welcome Day for Indigenous Students
Welcome Day for Indigenous Students offering sincoming students the change to meet other indigneous students by allowing first year and transfer indigenous students the opportunity to move into residence 1 day earlier.
Summer Orientation to Academics and Resources
Helps you:
- Prepare effectively for new academic expectations.
- Prepare for potential personal stresses and academic pressure points during first year.
- Make the most of services and resources to support student learning and academic success.
- Anticipate important academic dates and deadlines.
- Navigate administrative processes, including academic registration and financial accounts.
- Get tips for staying healthy and getting involved in the campus community.
You participate in a 1-day program in summer; there are specific dates for each faculty.