Nota : Puisque la Western University – Huron University College est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Western University – Huron University College

  • Huron University College campus
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  • Frank Homes Centre (Summer 2022)-3 (1).jpg

Established in 1863, Huron is the founding institution of Western University. Our Liberal Arts University offers an elite – yet accessible – education where personalized learning experiences position students for professional success while also developing their character.

Huron is creating a university experience unlike any other, one that prioritizes ethical leadership and community engagement as much as the pursuit of academic achievement. With an average class size of just 30, Huron students enjoy lots of interaction with professors and classmates. Those who graduate from Huron receive a Western University degree.

While studying at Huron, each student can take advantage of paid internships, professional networking events and more. In addition to paid internships, Huron’s vision is to ensure that every student experiences the value of civic engagement through volunteer activities and service prior to graduating. 

The Scotiabank Career Accelerator Program (CAP) is an elite program that will build your career confidence and help you distinguish yourself as a workforce-savvy, emerging leader. Participants will take part in training modules, workshops and hands-on experiences that will complement their degrees by preparing them with workplace-readiness skills. Throughout the process, they will be fully supported by Huron’s Career Development Coordinators.

Huron also offers Dual Degree programs with the Ivey Business School at Western. Students can complete Ivey's HBA program and a BA Degree in an Honors Specialization module over a span of 5 years. Students can combine their undergraduate program at Huron with a program at any of the campuses within Western, giving students flexibility and choice. Huron has been challenging students to be Leaders with Heart since 1863.